About us
White Clover Sheep Farm is home to a flock of purebred White Dorper sheep. We raise and sell commercial breeding stock. (Click on “Breeding Stock” to learn more.) All our sheep are raised 100% grass-fed! The flock grazes on pasture in a rotational grazing system from mid-April to early January and is fed dry hay during the rest of the year. They don’t receive any grain. Ever!
What is unique about White Dorper Sheep? What is special about our sheep?
The size of our sheep and their deep bodies makes our sheep uniquely suitable for a pasture-based management system.

Shearing is not needed. The cost of a shearer and the work associated with shearing can be saved.

They are meaty. Prime cuts like loin and rib chops are especially large.

Easy Lambing
Assistance while lambing is rarely needed and usually involves a lamb being out of a normal position to require help.

High Fertility
The lambing percentage of my adult ewes is at and above 180 percent, meaning on average each ewe has 1.8 lambs each year.

Great Mothering
The ewes take great care of their lambs. Milk production is high.

Calm Disposition
White Dorper sheep are rather docile and can be easily handled.

None-selective Grazers
White Dorper sheep eat many plants, including many weeds that some other sheep breeds do not eat. They also browse.

Correct Hoof Structure
I have selected my sheep for many years for good hoof structure to reduce the need for hoof cutting.

Footrot is a highly contagious disease. It has big negative economic impacts. Our flock has always been footrot-free.

Great Terminal Sires
Whether you use White Dorper rams as terminal sires or use them to upgrade another breed of sheep, the rams are uniquely suited for both.

Good Looking...
… just saying.

Contact us
Do you have any questions about White Dorper Sheep? Click on the link below to review available contact options.