For nearly two decades I have been a regular contributor to “Farming Magazine” and “Small Farms Quarterly.” In my articles, I am trying to provide what is in short supply in many publications: giving first-hand practical advice based on my vast personal experience gained in more than 40 years of sheep farming.
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Articles printed in "Farming Magazine"
- The Financial Benefits of Going Grass-fed with Sheep
- Forty Years of Being a Shepherd A Personal Journey
- Twenty Years of Breeding White Dorper Sheep
- Too Much Grass
- Footrot in Sheep
- Rejuvenating Pasture
- My Sheep Barn
- “A Sheep That Goes Down Is as Good as Dead”
- Selection Criteria for Replacement Ewes
- Setting Up Grazing Cells
- Extending the Grazing Season - To What End?
- Pasture Rest
- Upgrading a Flock of Hair Sheep
- Pasture Bloat in Sheep
- Common “Myths” in Sheep Farming
- When Is the “Best” Time for Lambing Season?
- The Interior Design of My Lambing Barn
- Pasture Weeds
- Making Grass-fed Successful
- The Chute
- Embracing Modernity – The White Dorper sheep
- Minerals for Sheep
- Energizers for Electric Nettings
- Mastitis in Sheep
- How to Catch a Sheep
- Twinning
- Guardian Dogs for Sheep
- How Big Should a Grazing Cell Be?
- Culling Sheep
- White Dorper Sheep and Grass Farming – the Dos and Don’ts
- Things That Changed
- What to Look for When Buying a Ram
- The Fence
- Managing a Drought
- Upgrading an Existing Flock or Starting Anew?
- Follow-Up
- Hoof Care for Sheep
- Sheep Management The Deadly Barber Pole Worm
- Quality of Hay for Grass-fed Sheep
- Grazing Sheep in Cold and Snowy Conditions
- Sheep Comfort
- Carrying Capacity with Sheep
- Weaning Lambs?
- What Makes Raising Sheep Profitable
- Raising Sheep Without Grain – “It Can Be Done!”
- Bush-Hogging Pasture
- Red Clover in Sheep Pasture?
- What Sheep Breed Is the Best of All?
- Pasture Rest, Rotation Schedule, Stock Density, and other hotly debated topics
- Grafting Lambs– The Head Gate
- When to Start and When to Finish Grazing
- Internal Parasite Management in Sheep
- Grazing Sheep
- Lambing Season
- Breeding Season for Sheep
Articles printed is "Small Farms Quaterly"
- The Financial Benefits of Going Grass-Fed with Sheep
- Keeping Sheep Comfortable
- Why Sheep Die
- Extending The Grazing Season Beyond Growing Season
- Pasture Mix for Sheep
- Introduction to Sheep Breeds
- Upgrading a Flock of Hair Sheep
- Buying a Ram for Breeding Purposes
- Caring for Rams Beyond Breeding Season
- Watering the Flock
- Save Money with DIY Hay Feeders
- How Crayons Inspired My Sheep Tracking System
- Rotational Grazing: How Often Should I Rotate?
- Quality of Winter Forage for Grass-fed Sheep
- List of Items for a Beginning Sheep Farmer, Part Two
- List of Items for a Beginning Sheep Farmer, Part One
- Sheep Pasture: White Clover
- Sheep Pasture: Orchard Grass
- Copper Poisoning and Copper Deficiency in Sheep
- Colostrum
- The Importance of Residual Forage
- Electric Nettings for Sheep: Useful Tips
- Sheep Barn Interior Design: Wooden Panels
- The Chute
- Does Red Clover Cause Infertility in Sheep?
- Winter versus Spring Lambing
- Livestock Guardian Dogs
- Electric Netting for Sheep
- Choosing A Breed for a Pasture Based Sheep Farm
- Internal Parasite Management In Sheep
- Part II: Does Raising Sheep Pay?
- Part I: Does Raising Sheep Pay?
- Marketing sheep and lambs
- Weaning Age of Lambs
- When do Sheep Need Shelter?
- Raising and Finishing Lambs on Pasture
- How to Get Started with Sheep
- Managing The Lambing Season
- Managing A Sheep Breeding Season
- Pasture Bloat in Sheep
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